Cagli – Torrione (Great Tower) and Soccorso Coverto (Sheltered Walkway)
The two monuments are the charming remains of the fortification works that Duke Federico da Montefeltro assigned to the military architect Francesco di Giorgio Martini. The latter realised a fortress on the Cappuccini hill, unfortunately lost, and connected it through a suggestive underground tunnel to the majestic Great Tower that today houses in its fascinating rooms the Contemporary Sculpture Centre, with artworks by Eliseo Mattiacci, Jannis Kounellis, Gilberto Zorio, Hidetoshi Nagasasawa, and other important artists. The collection encourages and empowers the creative vocation of the city, also expressed through the magnificent 19thC Municipal Theatre and its artists' residences, and by the Archaeological Museum celebrating the rich ancient times.
At the foot of Monte Petrano – a plateau located at 1100 metres above sea level ideal for wind sports -, with Bosso fresh water flowing through the town and touching lightly the ancient roman Ponte Mallio bridge, Cagli offers a unique collection of natural landscape features (grottoes, canyons, fossils).
61043 Cagli (PU)
Info e orari:
Dal 1° ottobre al 31 maggio
Sab. e dom. 9.30/12.30 - 15/18
Dal 1° al 30 giugno
Ven. sab. e dom. 9.30/12.30 - 15/18
Dal 1° al 30 settembre
Ven. sab. e dom. 9.30/12.30 - 15/18
Dal 1° luglio al 31 agosto
Da lun. a dom. 9.30/12.30 - 16/19
T. +39 0721 780773